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A. Oral Presentation:

a. APERA-TERA2025 International Conference does not require to upload full text.

b. To ensure a smooth start, presenters are kindly requested to arrive at the meeting room at least 20 minutes prior to the start of their session. Each meeting room is equipped with a Windows computer equipped with Office software and a data/video projector for your convenience during the presentation.

c. Each presentation within an oral session is allocated a time frame of 12 to 15 minutes. The staff will remind the presenter 5 minutes before the end of their presentation time, and a second reminder will be provided 3 minutes before the end of the presentation time.


1. APERA-TERA2025國際研討會口頭發表者不需提供全文資料。



B. Poster Presentation:

a. APERA-TERA2025 International Conference does not require to upload full text.

b. Each presenter will be allocated a poster board measuring 0.9×1.2 meters (A0 size) for their presentation. The content of the poster presentation should encompass the study's purpose, methodology, results, and discussion, all within a limit of 2000 words. This format will allow for effective and concise communication of your research findings during the conference.

c. To ensure a smooth start, presenters are kindly requested to arrive at the meeting room at least 20 minutes prior to the start of their session. Please find the time of poster sessions in the Conference program. Authors are expected to be at their poster when its session is scheduled. Please remove your own poster at the end of presentation.



