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大會主題 Topic

Inspiring Human Potential through Education: Embracing Technological Innovation, Shaping Global Development and Upholding Ethical Principles

投稿議題 Sub-themes

  1. Social-Emotional Learning and Well-being of Students and Teachers
  2. Technological Innovation, AI, and STEAM in Education
  3. Sustainable and Just Transition in Global Development
  4. Educational Equity, Social Justice, Diversity, and Inclusion
  5. Values, Moral Education and Society
  6. Bilingual Education and Intercultural Learning
  7. Global Competencies and International Education
  8. Leadership, Administration, and Teacher Development
  9. Studies in K-12 and Higher Education Practice
  10. Health, Medical Education, and Sports Sciences
  11. Studies in Lifelong Learning
  12. Standards, Assessment and Instructional Science
  13. Education Policy Studies and Evidence-based Reforms
  14. Measurement and Methodology
Latest News

Venue:National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Organizer: National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Taiwan Education Research Association (TERA), The Global Society of Chinese Creativity (GACC)

Hosted by: Institute of Education, Center for Teacher Education, International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development,  National Sun Yat-sen University

Co-hosted by: 

Sponsored by:  National Science and Technology Council  (NSTC); Ministry of Education(MOE)